Morgan Jordan
Major Jordan is currently serving as Commanding Officer, Reconnaissance
Training Company, Advanced Infantry Training Battalion, School of Infantry -West.
Morgan was born in Dallas, Texas where he enlisted in the Marine Corps in
the fall of 1999. He attended recruit training in San Diego and Marine
Combat Training (MCT) at Camp Pendleton, California. Following MCT, he
completed the Aviation Logistics Tactical Information Systems Specialist
course and received orders to Marine Aircraft Group 13 in Yuma, AZ.
In January 2003, Sergeant Jordan deployed with Marine Attack Squadron
214 in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom I. In October 2006, while serving as a MOS School instructor,
Staff Sergeant Jordan was selected for the Marine Enlisted Commissioning Education Program. He was commissioned a Second Lieutenant in the Marine Corps in January 2011, after graduating from the University of Texas at Austin.
Second Lieutenant Jordan attended The Basic School (TBS) from June to December 2011 where he was designated a Ground Intelligence Officer. Upon completion of TBS, Second Lieutenant Jordan attended the Infantry Officer’s Course followed by the Ground Intelligence Officer’s Course (GIOC) in Dam Neck,
VA, receiving the Captain Brent L. Morel Award for peer leadership upon graduation. During GIOC, Second Lieutenant Jordan also completed the Scout Sniper Unit Leader’s Course.
Following GIOC, Second Lieutenant Jordan reported to 1st Marine Division G-2, where he was immediately deployed to Helmand Province, Afghanistan in support of Operation Enduring Freedom as an individual augment to Regimental Combat Team 7 (RCT-7). While deployed with RCT-7, Second
Lieutenant Jordan served as the regimental collections officer and served in direct support of Company E, 2d Battalion, 9th Marines during operations in Helmand and Nimroz Provinces.
Upon redeployment in August 2013, First Lieutenant Jordan returned to 1st Marine Division G-2 where he served as the division collections and targeting officer. While serving with the Division G-2, First Lieutenant Jordan served as the collections and targeting officer during Exercises STEEL KNIGHT and DESERT SCIMITAR 14.
In May 2014, First Lieutenant Jordan reported to 1st Reconnaissance Battalion. Shortly after joining the Battalion, he completed Basic Reconnaissance Course (BRC) where he was the class Honor Graduate.
After completing BRC, First Lieutenant Jordan served as the 1st Reconnaissance Battalion Assistant Operations Officer before serving as a Platoon Commander with Company A. While serving as a Platoon Commander, Captain Jordan deployed as part of the 11th Marine Expeditionary Unit (MEU) Western
Pacific Deployment 16.2 and supported Operation Inherent Resolve.
In July 2017, Captain Jordan reported to Expeditionary Warfare School (EWS) in Quantico, VA, graduating in May 2018. Following graduation from EWS, Captain Jordan returned to 1st Reconnaissance Battalion and assumed command of Company B. While serving Company B, he completed core mission essential task certification of the company for deployment on the 15th MEU.
In August 2019, he assumed command of the Force Reconnaissance Company, I MEF. While serving Force Reconnaissance Company, he deployed the first rotation of Force Recon Detachment Guam, providing a persistently forward Fleet Marine Force Reconnaissance capability in USINDOPACOM, actively conducting operations in competition with our regional pacing threat.
In April 2021, he assumed his current duties as Commanding Officer, Reconnaissance Training Company.
Major Jordan married his high school sweetheart Nicole in February 2001. They live with their two daughters, Madeleine and Charlotte, in San Clemente, CA.