The Force Recon Association (FRA) manages two charitable funds that provide direct support to our member community and their families. These programs are funded through member donations, special fundraising events, and our annual member auction held at the FRA annual reunion.
The FRA Scholarship Fund provides annual scholarship grants to members and their direct family members (spouse, children, and grandchildren).
The FRA Assistance fund provides all (non-scholarship) forms of charitable support to our member community. Financial assistance has been provided for bereavement needs, medical needs, awards and dedication matters, and dependent support.
Our Sister charity, the Force Reconnaissance Foundation (FRF) was founded in April 2014, and granted 501c3 on 23 July 2014 by the IRS. As such, the FRF allows for tax-deductible donations made to the Foundation. The mission of the Force Reconnaissance Foundation is to provide charitable support to the Marine Reconnaissance Community and specifically to support the Force Recon Association Charities.